He had made the trip up from Butte, Montana to spend a whole 8 days with me... from February 12th to 20th. I was so excited to be able to spend that length of time with him! We would get to celebrate his belated birthday when he got here, and then Valentine's Day, and then my birthday... all within those 8 days.
Before this visit, we had spent a fair bit of time talking about proposals and marriage. We both knew we would be getting married some day, and we had even talked about what kind of ring I wanted when the day came for him to propose. (I asked for a white gold ring with three stones. I wanted the center stone to be colored and the two outside stones to be diamonds. I expressly asked for small stones, as I have never been a fan of big jewellery.) During these conversations, we had talked about how he would be waiting for his tax return in March or April or May and then be thinking about looking for rings. Of course, he never came out and actually said those words, he just kind of hinted at waiting and I ran with it. Little did I now that my devious boyfriend already had a ring picked out, an exact match to my request, and that he had brought it with him in February.
On Sunday afternoon (the 13th), JC went in to have "the talk" with my Dad. I knew he was in Dad's office talking to him about our plans for the future, but I honestly didn't think it was because he had a ring with him on this trip. I had so completely bought the idea that he was waiting for several months to buy a ring that I figured he was just asking for Dad's blessing so that next time I visited Montana, he would have the ring and would then propose. Was I ever wrong! My beloved boyfriend was downstairs in my Dad's "Man Cave" asking for his blessing to propose to me the next day and showing him the ring he had picked out.
My mind raced for a moment.... Was it a ring?!?!?!? But once again, my brain reassured me that he had not bought a ring yet, and so there was no way the "gift" was a proposal. I was sure the gift was going to be something like a pretty necklace or a keepsake of some kind.
We arrived at Bower Ponds and bundled up in warmer jackets and gloves. It was almost too cold for a walk, but JC was adamant that we go... "Just for a short one". (I didn't notice, but apparently he had slipped a wrapped package into his jacket as we were leaving the car) We walked along the path until we got to the bridge over the Ponds. We stopped there and JC said I could finally open my present.
To my Lovely, Beautiful Bree.
From your Beloved JC.
On February 14th, 2011.
On the Occasion of:
At this point, he put his arm around me and held out a ring box with a lovely ring inside it. He said, "I love you so very much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" I immediately started crying and nodded and said "YES!" I turned to him and I got to kiss him for the first time. (We had both agreed to save our first kiss for engagement, and neither of us had ever kissed anyone else, so it was indeed, a first kiss!) I kept crying and smiling and laughing, and finally yelled at the top of my lungs, "WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!" There were about 3 people skating on the Pond and I'm sure they all heard me. : )
JC didn’t know my ring size so he hadn’t been able to properly size the ring before giving it to me, but he had a solution! When he purchased the ring, he had bought a beautiful silver chain to keep the ring on until we could get it into a jeweller. We slipped the ring onto the chain and he fastened it around my neck so I could keep it close.
We finally decided to head back to the car since we were both freezing. Of course, we made quite a few stops to smooch some more… Once we got back into the warm car we knew we had a couple phone calls to make. The first was to my best girlfriend, Marie, who I had promised to call first whenever the day came that I had been proposed to. I got her on the phone and when I said “Hi Marie. This is Brianna”, my cell crackled and she didn’t hear me. She asked who was calling and as soon as I said my name again, she burst out with one of her famous “Marie Squeals”. She said that there was only one reason that I would call her on Valentine’s Day and she asked if I was engaged. : ) Yup, I assured her I was and she proceeded to scream some more. She was almost as excited as I was! Then we called JC’s parents on speakerphone and chatted with them for a few minutes. They congratulated us and wanted to hear the story of how things went. It was a lot of fun!
We headed back to Rocky and my family was still up when we got to my house. More congrats followed and more hugs and smiles. We posed for pictures and I got to show off both my beautiful ring, but also my very unique new Bible.
I went to sleep that night with a huge smile on my face, knowing that I was going to marry the man of my dreams and being so thankful to have the wonderful guy I now was able to call my fiancé. The cool thing is, now that we’ve been married for a little over 6 months, I still go to sleep with a huge smile on my face every night… not to mention waking up with one too.
Aw, this brought tears to my eyes as I remember the excitement and planning that went into JC's trip to visit you. And I even kept it a secret!! We are so blessed to have you in our family, Brianna, and know that the Lord has many, many more special Valentine's Days for you!! :-)