Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Saving Money: Menu Planning 101

Since JC and I are on a mission to get out of debt ASAP, we’ve been on a pretty strict budget since getting married.  We’ve managed to reduce spending in a lot of areas and finally got our $1000 emergency fund all completed last month!  Now we get to put any and all extra money against our debts and knock them out one by one.  It feels soooo good to have some control over our finances and begin to see that light at the end of the debt tunnel! 

One of the key areas where we discovered we had to cut was our grocery budget.  We simply spent way too much on food!  So we cut it down to what we thought was a pretty fair amount, and lo and behold, we discovered another problem: our first couple months being married resulted in huge grocery bills at the beginning of the month and next to nothing left by the last week of the month.  Hello Kraft Dinner 7 nights in a row!   We knew we had to something. 

I realized that a lot of the things I bought just sat on the pantry shelf without being used, or sat in the fridge until they started to grow little green furry friends and had to be thrown out.  I had to be smarter with our money and avoid all this wasted food… because wasted food meant wasted $.  I needed a plan. 

So began my menu planning.  I made up a simple two-week menu of what I wanted to make for suppers each night, wrote down all the ingredients I needed into a shopping list.  I made sure most suppers were big enough so there were leftovers for lunches for the next day or two.  We both eat pretty basic, routine breakfasts, so I added those couple of items, along with some extra fruit and veggies, some basic sandwich makings for lunches, and voila! I had my shopping list.  I remember I did my 2-week shopping and ended cutting somewhere around $40 off what I had spent previously for the same time period.  Wow!  For us, that’s a big deal!  Now, I didn’t make every supper KD and hot dogs and ramen noodles to save bucks… I still planned food that we enjoyed, like spaghetti, tacos, chicken and potatoes, stir fry, etc. 

I realized that this was our answer to saving money – meal planning!!!  Since my first 2-week plan worked so well, I decided to go big and make the next one up for an entire month.  I used my totally amazing Microsoft Word formatting skills and made up a mind-blowing super awesome calendar that I could edit each month with whatever I wanted to make for meals, including a complete grocery list and recipes.  (Yes, I am that awesome!)    :P   I ended up making four grocery lists for that entire month.  The first one was a big list where I buy all of the non-perishable or “slowly-perishable” (like cheese, bags of carrots, etc) stuff for the month.  I divided up the rest of the perishable foods into weekly shopping lists. 

It took me about 5 hours that first month to get all the meals in the calendar and figure out grocery lists and recipes, which was a long time and a lot of work!  But it paid off.  Once again we saved lots of $, managed to eat yummy food, stayed on budget and avoided wasting food.

Each month I get a bit faster and a bit more creative with my menu plan.  Last month it only took me about 3 hours from start to finish, and that included pouring through my cook books searching for new ideas.  This month it was about 2.5 hours.  And the cool part is that I enjoy it!  I find cooking to be therapeutic and relaxing, and that includes looking through cookbooks and doing my menu-plan. 

Another great side-effect of doing a meal plan is that all I have to do is glance at my calendar that’s stuck to the side of the fridge and I know exactly what to cook for supper.   No more “honey, what do you want for supper?” “I don’t know… whatever you want” “Well, I don’t know what I’m hungry for.  What are you hungry for?” “Whatever you want is fine with me” and on and on.  It makes things a lot more streamlined in the evening, because I hated getting home from work at 5:45 and then having to figure out what to make and hope we had all of the ingredients so I didn’t have to run to Sobeys yet…   I’ve also tried to plan several Crock Pot meals every month, just because it’s such a time saver to just throw a bunch of stuff in the Crock Pot, turn it on low, and know that when I come home supper will be done!

Since this saved us a lot of money and frustration, I thought some of you out there in blog-reader land might benefit from it too!  I love the organization this provides.  I never have to guess about groceries or meals or what I have or need.  It’s all done and ready when I need it. 

This is what February’s Calendar looks like:   

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What Place Does The Computer Hold?

I like computers.  I have a Facebook account, a Twitter feed, and a blog.  I like watching YouTube videos and occasionally chatting.  Yes, I even check my email every hour or less.  I play games and even get close to winning them.

Yet I have started to realize something about my time on the computer.  My computer doesn't talk to me.  It doesn't listen to my dreams.  It doesn't respond to a hug.  It doesn't confide its secrets and desires in me.

The worst thing this computer does is become a time waster.  I was recently reminded of this when we got home the other night.  I immediately turned the computer on and checked my Facebook, my email, and started a game.  Meanwhile, my wife was wanting my help with some chores, and time with me.

It also can suck my time away from pursuing God.  This makes it an idol.  Seeking God has to be our first priority in life, not seeking the high score in the latest Facebook game.

Now I'm not saying get rid of the computer or never spend time on it.  Obviously I'm using it right now.  There are many good things about the computer and many good ways to use it as a tool.  Just don't let it become your god. Find that balance in your life.

For example:  I made a commitment to my wife that I wouldn't use the computer during the evening unless we agreed on it.  It's a way that I get to say to my wife that I value her and that she's more important than any electric box. 

Where does the computer fall in your priorities?  What actions do you need to take to make a change in your life?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

3 Things to Do on a Cold Day

It got cold yesterday, so very cold.  My wife decided she didn't want to drive out to work in -38 degrees C.  Thus we ended up with a day off.

What do you do on a cold day when you're stuck inside?

  • Play Scrabble.  I started out with VASSAL and ended up with QUIZ.  It was fun to play a board game with my wife.  Next on the game play list:  Canasta!
  • Read a book and take a nap.  I had been up early, so I ended up on the couch, reading, and then nodded off to sleep.  Something special about dozing off and waking up to hear my wife puttering in the kitchen.
  • Have a Dr. Who Marathon!!  We're almost at the end of Season 2 and are quite enjoying the weird humor of The Doctor.  Who knew that Ghosts were metal people pushing through from another Earth?
Most of all, we just enjoyed talking and being in each other's presence.

What do you do on a cold or snow day?  What occupies your time?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

What Makes a Great Marriage???

Calling all “God, My Weird Spouse, and I” readers!!! We would love some reader input and comments on this question, “What makes a great marriage?” JC and I have read through several excellent marriage books and we’ve both had great examples of good marriages in our parents, and we’ve asked a lot of questions and had some awesome advice given to us. So I think we’ve got a pretty good foundation to build a great marriage relationship on. But hey, we’ve only been married 5 months, and all the book knowledge in the world doesn’t compare to living out a great marriage over time… and I know there are a lot of you out there who have more great advice and thoughts on this. I’m going to share some of the things that we’ve found, and I hope you readers out there will chime in and expand on some of our thoughts or bring up some brand new ideas!

Here are a couple basic things that I think make a great marriage:
  • Not to sound cliché and all Christian-ey, but honestly, the best thing you can do for your marriage is base it in a strong faith in God. When both husband and wife are believers and they keep God first in their lives, it truly revolutionizes how they will interact as a couple, because they’re not going to be left to rely on their own strength alone… They’re going to have God’s grace and wisdom ready and available whenever they need it, for better or for worse! My favorite piece of marriage advice so far was from JC’s best man, Reece. He said, “Remember to keep your focus on serving God and serving your spouse. When you do that, marriage is awesome!”
  • Communication! You can’t really know or understand your spouse without good, open communication. When JC and I spend time together communicating, whether its 3 minutes or 3 hours, we get that little bit closer to each other, we understand each other that little bit better, and we both end up feeling secure and happy. It truly opens the door to feeling safe and having complete trust between spouses
  • All that fun physical stuff! :D Yes, I mean sex…. But not just that. (Yes, I am blushing while writing this… sheesh) I mean all the other stuff too, like holding hands, giving a hug, sitting with your arm around the other one, stolen smooches, snuggling in bed… There is just something about physical affection and intimacy that makes marriage fun! I can’t imagine how a couple could be close and experience a great relationship without it… Everyone needs to feel wanted and desired and attractive to their spouse. God designed physical intimacy to exist only in marriage and there’s a reason for it – it binds you closer together as a married couple… a closeness that wouldn’t happen otherwise. So, make sure you give your spouse an extra kiss today when you see them! I know I will…
  • JC and I are both firm believers that humor is essential to our relationship. We discovered early on that we shared a common sense of humor and it has made for some awesome times. Sharing a good laugh together feels good, and makes both people happy! But more than just laughing at the silly stuff in life, we’ve found that laughter makes a huge difference in our ability to deal with issues. Humor helps keep possible conflict issues in perspective. It is so easy to make mountains out of molehills if we let animosity, irritation, or offence rule… so keeping a lighter perspective helps us to see how little and/or silly some of these things are (I find this incredibly useful!) It also puts us in a way better mood to bring the issue up with the other person!
  • An attitude of Camaraderie. An online dictionary defined camaraderie as “a spirit of friendly good fellowship” and “mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.” I like that! As a couple, you need to have an attitude that you take joy in being friends and in doing things together. Your spouse should be your best, most trusted friend… the person you love being with and fellowshipping with more than anyone else. We’ve found that even the simple things, when done together at friends, brings us even closer.
And that’s all that is coming to my head at the moment, so there you go…
So, what can you guys add? We want to hear what you think makes for a great marriage!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Looking back on 2011's good things

My friend Lisa posted on her blog about seeing miracles in 2011.  That made me think about 2011 and the various things that have happened this last year.

  • The biggest is my marriage to Brianna.  We're at our 5 months of marriage mark and I'm so very happy to have this lady as my wife.  She is a support and an encourager for me.
  • I'm also involved in the church, teaching Sunday school for the 1st through 5th grade.  Loving these kids and the opportunity to speak into their lives.
  • We are incredibly blessed!  Our apartment is completely outfitted, and we recently realized that we really don't need anything (beyond the groceries, of course).  We are content with what we have.  Kind of a strange place to be at the beginning of our marriage, but a good place.
  • We have started paying off debt.  We just got the first $1000 emergency fund saved up and starting to make extra payments to the credit cards.  It is definitely a blessing to see God's hand in providing for us!
  • My family grew by marriage and I became an instant uncle!  Gabe is such a blessing and I love that little boy so much!  Looking forward to watching him grow and learn.
And now we have a new year to look forward to.  God is working in our lives and it's going to be so much fun to see how it all works out!

How about your look at 2011?  What good things happened last year?

2 Weeks Bachelor Menu

My brother is a bachelor and was wanting some help on planning meals.  I am a recovered bachelor *smirks* and decided to put together a menu that might work for him.  After doing so, I thought it might be helpful for others out there.  Feel free to tweak this to your likes and dislikes.

(For a detailed month-long menu Click Here )

First Week


Chicken and veggies

  • Put 4 or 5 of those frozen chicken breasts in a crockpot (thawed)
  • put in about a cup or so of chicken broth
  • Season with herbs (we use Italian Seasoning and Paprika)
  • Cook on low for 6 hours or so.
  • Steam or microwave (use that pampered chef black container) some carrots, peas, beans, or corn (frozen package)

Now you have leftover chicken to use.

  • Cut up a chicken breast into small pieces.  
  • Take a tortilla (Whole wheat if possible), place meat on it, take grated cheese (can be any type of cheese that you want) and dump it on. You can cut up any veggies and other meats to add to it.  Another tortilla is placed on top and you can either microwave it, or cook it in the oven at 400.

TuesdaySpaghetti - Pretty easy
  • Brown up some hamburger and onions or olives or garlic.  Add some ground sausage if you want.  Make sauce with the recipe on the spice package and add the meat stuff to it.  
  • Let simmer for ten minutes at least.  
  • Cook some noodles and you have a meal. 

Take the leftover sauce and freeze in one serving containers.  Makes a wonderful quick meal.

WednesdayLeftover chicken  -
  • You can heat up a breast, some veggies and there you go.  
  • You can cut up into small pieces, add to lettuce or spinach and other raw veggies, and some Ceasar dressing and you have a Ceasar salad. 
  • Wraps are a good thing too.


This is a bit more prep, and we haven't tried it yet.

Tasty Meatball
  • 2 bread slices made into crumbs (toast and then crush)
  • 1/3 Cup Finely chopped green onion (and I learned that you can use all the leaves...)
  • 2 tbsp of Milk
  • 3/4 tsp of dried parsley
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced (or 1/2 tsp powder)
  • 1 tsp Seasoned Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Hot Pepper Sauce (I'm sure you can omit this ingredient if you want)
  • 1/8 tsp Pepper

Combine all 8 ingredients in large bowl.
Add ground beef.  Mix well.  Roll into 1 1/2 inch balls.  Arrange on greased baking sheet with sides.  Bake in 400 degree F oven for about 15 minutes until fully cooked, and internal temperatur of beef reaches 160 degrees F.  Makes about 18 meatballs.

You can get a jar of alfredo sauce and serve with noodles.  Or use some of the spaghetti Sauce.

Pot Roast

I usually got a round roast at Winco.  Make sure you can either cut it into two pieces for your crockpot or it's small enough for it. Oh, and cut the fat off.
You can sear it in a frypan to seal the juices in or just throw it in.  I cut small holes in and stick garlic cloves in.  Put about a half the height of the roast of beef broth.  Cut up some potatoes into small pieces, same with carrots. 

Cook in Crockpot for at least 8 hours at low.  I used to do roasts for 24 hours. You do need to check for liquid level every so often.  Just add a little water as needed.



French Dip

  • Package of Au Jus in water, heat
  • Hoagie bun or some other type of bun.  
  • Slice your leftover beef really thin. 
  • Place on bun. 
  • Dip in juice. 
  • Eat.


Spaghetti from freezer.

TuesdayChicken wraps

Chicken Pot Pie


Haven't tried this, but it sounds good.

Pie Crust (similar to Great Grandma Bean's)



FridayChicken on Rice

You can cook the chicken in the crockpot or the oven.  Use whatever spices you want.
Rice is 1 part rice to 2 parts water.  1cup of uncooked rice makes a huge amount.  You need to watch it, 'cause it is easy to scorch.  Steam some veggies and there you go.


Steak and potatoesFry or grill your nice steak.  Cook a big potato in the oven wrapped in foil.  Steam some veggies.

Hope that works.  Feel free to experiment and move things around.  Ask questions if you need to.  If you don't eat something within 3 days, stick in freezer and try to eat it in the next couple months.

Grocery List. 
2 packages of frozen chicken breasts
Frozen veggies
Bag of brown rice
Round Roast
Ground Beef
Garlic bulb
Garlic powder
Italian Seasoning
Dried minced onion is good to have on hand for crockpot stuff
Package of carrots
Celery - if you use it
Spinach or lettuce or both
Onion (Walla Walla's are the mildest)
Bag of potatoes (we get the red skins)
tortillas (whole wheat)
Hoagie buns
Au Jus Packages
Spaghetti packages
Alfredo sauce - prego or ragu
Tomato sauce - 4 or so cans...  Check the package
Spaghetti noodles
Fetticini noodles for meatballs
Hot sauce ??