I like computers. I have a Facebook account, a Twitter feed, and a blog. I like watching YouTube videos and occasionally chatting. Yes, I even check my email every hour or less. I play games and even get close to winning them.
Yet I have started to realize something about my time on the computer. My computer doesn't talk to me. It doesn't listen to my dreams. It doesn't respond to a hug. It doesn't confide its secrets and desires in me.
The worst thing this computer does is become a time waster. I was recently reminded of this when we got home the other night. I immediately turned the computer on and checked my Facebook, my email, and started a game. Meanwhile, my wife was wanting my help with some chores, and time with me.
It also can suck my time away from pursuing God. This makes it an idol. Seeking God has to be our first priority in life, not seeking the high score in the latest Facebook game.
Now I'm not saying get rid of the computer or never spend time on it. Obviously I'm using it right now. There are many good things about the computer and many good ways to use it as a tool. Just don't let it become your god. Find that balance in your life.
For example: I made a commitment to my wife that I wouldn't use the computer during the evening unless we agreed on it. It's a way that I get to say to my wife that I value her and that she's more important than any electric box.
Where does the computer fall in your priorities? What actions do you need to take to make a change in your life?
I once heard someone ask, "What if we checked in with God as much as we check our phones?"