Sunday, January 6, 2013

Nursery Preview!

We made a video of the nursery so far!  Thought you'd enjoy a peek into our baby preparation!


  1. Soooo cute!
    I love your theme. What an exciting time in your lives. I guess I have to hit FB for a picture of the belly.
    Book recommendations:
    Bob and Martha Sears, "The Baby Book" is simply wonderful for month by month activities and answers to questions. They have 9 kids and are full of great knowledge.

    Congratulations again you two!

  2. Adorable room!!!! Love it! Thanks for sharing with us!

  3. D'awwwwwww. So much cute!

    ALSO! I had to laugh about the closet door thing, because WE don't have doors on OUR closet right now either! The upside? It's forcing me to keep our closet fairly clean and organized so I don't go crazy from having to look at the mess. :) The downside? It's forcing me to keep our closet fairly clean and organized so I don't have to look at the mess!!!

