The day had come! JC stood at the altar watching for his bride to come in. He bounces a little as the anticipation builds! This moment had been waited for and thought about for many days, weeks, months... No backing out now, even if he wanted to. This was it! The thoughts that had been going through his mind came back to him... Could he do this? Could he step up and be the leader, the man of this marriage? Could he take that responsibility? And, since those thoughts had been laid to rest in Christ, he knew he could. Even when mistakes are made, he knows that he can rest in Christ and the identity as a son of God.
There she is! Bright and shining! The ivory dress is absolutely beautiful, but pales in comparison to her eyes and her smile!
The ceremony goes on, and JC pledges his love to Brianna. They both state their faith, that Jesus is the foundation of their marriage. The ring is given as a circle of love and not a shackle. The vows bind them together under God. John (JC's Dad) blesses them and gives them a quarterstaff as both a symbol of JC's place as a protector and that God is the one to give him, give them strength.
Unity is pledged by the pouring of the sand. They are now one and to pull them apart won't work. JC and Brianna then take their first Communion together, reminding them of Jesus' sacrifice and the redemption found in Him. He is their Rock and their Foundation.
It's time now and they are presented as Mr. and Mrs. JC Reagan!!!
This is the beginning of a new and exciting journey!
YAY! Congrats and I'm looking forward to your reading your blog! Thanks for sharing your lives and I'm sure it will be a blessing! Fun title too! =)